About Carien Meyer

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So far Carien Meyer has created 9 blog entries.

MA’S EN HUL DOGTERS: DEEL 2: Wanneer Ma se lyf óók verander – die dubbele uitdaging

This two part blog is a discussion on navigating the season in a mother's life when she and her daughter may end up simultaneously going through body changes. How does a mom give space for her own changes in a way that helps instead of harming her daughter's process

By |2023-04-23T09:48:36+02:00April 23rd, 2023|General|

Mamma, lyk ek vet? (Deel 1 van 2 artikels) Wanneer onbewustheid plek maak vir bewustheid.

‘n Oënskynlike onskuldige vraag wat behoorlik n swetterjoel emosies in ons as moeders, vrouens en ‘diep-binne-in-steeds-dogtertjies’ ontlok. Want, te dikwels is dit n vraag in ons eie gedagtes ook. Is ek vet? (Am I fat?)

By |2022-03-01T18:44:18+02:00March 1st, 2022|Blog, General|


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